Thursday, May 12, 2011

LadySmith, WI, Ebro

Hi, Its Kaitlyn and This is a update about whats been going on :).

recently I vested a K-9 Named Ebro from Rusk county, LadySmith, WI

There is no upcoming fundraisers, or events.

Thats all for right now.

Vest are $840 each,

Dogs unvested, 103.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Boomer & Jake

Hi its Kaitlyn, & This is just a update about vest-a-dog.

I just found out that K-9 Boomer has a vest. I'm so happy that someone donated the vest. Now that Boomer is vested I will pick the next police dog on the list, & that is Jake from Cedabrug WI.

If you would like to help K-9 Jake get his vest please contact the Vest-a-Dog website I will have all the information at the end.

Dairy Queen does Not! do fundraisers but does donate their food to different progams.

That is all for right now.

Vest coast $840 dollars,
155 dogs still un vested

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

K-9 Boomer

Hi, this is what my plans are for fundraiseing. We might contact dairy queen for a fund raiser

I did a fund raiser a week ago in Ripon WI we rased money at a Culvers & from that we rased $215 dollars. I need about $500 dollars more to donate a vest for a police dog. The vest are each $840 dollars.

Right now I am working on a vest for a Police dog named Boomer If you would like to help Boomer please contact the Vest-a-Dog website I will have all the Information at the end of the blog.
Vest are $840 dollars
Their are 153 police K-9s unvested